My name is Paul Davis. I am a petroleum geoscientist with an MS in geology at the University of Houston, and an MA in history at Utah State University. I have been employed in the oil and gas industry for about nine years as a geoscientist with a broad range of experience from conventional to conventional. I was involved in deepwater exploration geology in the Gulf of Mexico (Keathly Canyon, Walker Ridge, Mississippi Canyon, Green Canyon). My exploration tasks have included seismic interpretation, structure and isopach mapping, well log correlation, and prospect generation.
I also have experience in geohazard assessment in the Gulf of Mexico with seismic and sub-bottom interpretation, stratigraphic analysis and amplitude extractions. I have mapped the seafloor, top of salt, intermediate horizons, and faults in order to understand the overall geology, and determine seafloor anomalies as well as subsurface shallow gas, shallow water flow, and gas hydrates. Finally, I have unconventional experience in Eagle Ford and the Permian Basin with tasks that included well log correlation, structure and isopach mapping, geosteering and mudlogging. I am fluent in Spanish and French, and am thus able to communicate in relevant international projects.
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